Beauty Stories Events Life Stories Modellifer

It Takes A Village

Fashion week, fashion show, backstage, bts,

When you can’t make it to Beautycon because #beautycon came to you. ☺️

I mean it.

The week began with three editorial beauty photoshoots. Then it continued into a 135-piece catalogue to shoot. The follow day was scheduled for new agency meetings, and then the week ended with a beauty pageant appearance. Yes, it was a long week of beauty and fashion, in full garb and 6 inch heels.

But while many believe it’s easy- it isn’t. It takes a lot, an actual village, to give life to new ideas, concepts and designs. What am I talking about: setting trends. Before we can talk, write, think, modify it or wear it, it has to come alive. Whether it’s a small scale project or a major fashion show or production, we all put in work. That’s what we do.


Elle Magazine Editorial Looks

The plus side: I get to play with new toys sometimes (ehhmmm makeup) and learn new techniques and tips from people who invent looks, trends, products time and time again.

Then what do I do? I bring them to you.
This busy week left me exhausted, but pensive.

See, I took a break last season from posting because I was busy, yes, but also because “there’s more.” I realize this week, that you’re the more, Dear Reader. You’re a part of my village.

So while I spent the week creating art with Tom Ford; Glossier; Lorac Cosmetics and studying them in the Glamcor lighting this week, I realize I wanna share this experience with you.

So, I’ll be making changes to the blog soon. Stay tuned 😘

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