Beauty Stories

I said….



People have asked me, “Why skin care? Why not fashion, makeup… something that…”

Idk. I guess, something that makes a more pronounced and visible statement

So I probably should respond and say, what every junkie would say: “I’m not responsible for my very own addic….. I’m not addicted.  I don’t need no help just send me skin care. O.k.? O.K.”

But fashion does include skin care, Mama. It dooOoOoos because no #LBD, whether it be a Tulle Marchesa or Bebe, is complete without a pair of dope-ass #legs: for which self tanner and #body butter are required. I don’t care if you’re rockin’ your off-duty, Rebecca Minkoff tee and a Nobody short. You can’t travel this Earth with no glimmer and sheen on those legs. Smh…. It’s sacrilege.

But if you don’t believe me check out the expert, herself, Annie Vasques, The Fashion Poet: an expert at getting fashionably ready as well as #unready.

Ah……. But you forgot, huh?

Cuz what goes on must come off, which includes my KORRES Bellflower Tangerine Pink Pepper Body Milk and Lorac TANtalizer Body Bronzing Luminizer.


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